On-Campus Housing Options

For first-year students we provide rooms in residence halls that are strictly for first-year students and rooms in some of the halls that allow students from other classes (e.g. sophomores and upperclassmen). Most first-year students reside in Kem or Amstutz Halls, located conveniently near the Convo (dining hall) and the Troop Center. Students who are part of a living-learning community are placed into housing together based on various groups established by the university.

In addition to our apartments and residence halls, there are also rooms in fraternity houses and the USA House.

Four-person apartments, located on Samaritan Avenue, are available to students living on the Ashland campus. Four- and five-person apartments on the Mansfield College of Nursing campus are available to students who are enrolled in the undergraduate nursing program, PA program and accelerated nursing programs. If you live in an apartment, you may still select any meal plan, but if you have senior status (90+ credit hours) you may opt out of having a meal plan. All apartments feature full kitchens and two full bathrooms, as well as outdoor spaces.

Housing is available on both the Ashland University main campus and College of Nursing and Health Sciences (CONHS) Mansfield campus for graduate students and students with families.

Living-Learning Communities

If you’re a first-year student hoping to feel at home as quickly as possible, you may want to look into a room in a living-learning community (LLC), which places students into housing together based on various groups established by the university.

All students living in an LLC still need to complete a housing application at housing.rrmbaojie.com for placement into LLC housing. Some groups also require coordination through a program coordinator, their contact information is included below.

There are a few LLCs that exist each year regularly:


Honors LLC

This is housing designated for students who are part of the Honors program and is housed in Clayton Hall on designated floors. Interested students should email honorsapps@rrmbaojie.com.


Ashbrook LLC

Students in the Ashbrook program are encouraged to live in Andrews Hall with other Ashbrook Scholars. Interested students should contact the Ashbrook Program at info@ashbrook.org.



The USA House is a designated house for students with military affiliation. Students interested in this housing option should contact the Office of Veteran Services at veterans@rrmbaojie.com.

Contact Information

Kori Roberts
Assistant Director, Housing & Operations
230 Hawkins-Conard Student Center

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Housing Rates

The following table shows the housing rates per person for the specified academic year. These rates do not include the cost of a meal plan, which is mandatory for all residential students who are not living in a university apartment. For information about meal plan options and costs, visit the Student Dining page.

If you have any housing questions, please contact the Residence Life Office at reslife@rrmbaojie.com.

Residence Hall Type of Room Fall Spring Total
Regular Double or Triple $3,500 $3,500 $7,000
Regular Single $3,800 $3,800 $7,600
Clark (sororities only)
Paid Double $3,960 $3,960 $7,920
Paid Single $4,490 $4,490 $8,980
Regular Double or Triple $3,540 $3,540 $7,080
Regular Single $3,830 $3,830 $7,660
Paid Double $4,030 $4,030 $8,060
Paid Single $4,490 $4,490 $8,980
Andrews Regular Quad $4,050 $4,050 $8,100
Clayton Suite Regular Double $4,150 $4,150 $8,300
Fraternity & USA Houses Single/Double $3,540 $3,540 $7,080
Paid Single $4,490 $4,490 $8,980
Senior Apartments n/a $4,190 $4,190 $8,380
CONHS Apartments (1081 - Undergraduate) n/a $4,140 $4,140 $8,280
CONHS Apartments (1071 - Graduate & Family) n/a $5,380 $5,380 $10,760

Residence Hall Type of Room Fall Spring Total
Regular Double or Triple $3,380 $3,380 $6,760
Regular Single $3,670 $3,670 $7,340
Clark (sororities only)
Paid Double $3,830 $3,830 $7,660
All Halls Paid Single $4,340 $4,340 $8,680
Regular Double or Triple $3,420 $3,420 $6,840
Regular Single $3,700 $3,700 $7,400
Andrews Paid Double $3,890 $3,890 $7,780
Regular Quad $3,910 $3,910 $7,820
Clayton Suite Regular Double $4,010 $4,010 $8,020
Fraternity & USA Houses Single/Double $3,420 $3,420 $6,840
Paid Single $4,340 $4,340 $8,680
Senior Apartments n/a $4,050 $4,050 $8,100
CONHS Apartments (1081 - Undergraduate) n/a $4,000 $4,000 $8,000
CONHS Apartments (1071 - Graduate & Family) n/a $5,200 $5,200 $10,400

Regular Single 1 set of furniture, typically a smaller-size room for one person
Regular Double 2 sets of furniture
Regular Triple 3 sets of furniture
Paid Single A standard double-size room that one student pays to occupy alone. These rooms have 2 sets of furniture and may also be referred to as a “buyout.” Essentially, the student is paying to keep the second bed empty.
Paid Double A standard triple-size room that two students pay to occupy by themselves. These rooms have 3 sets of furniture and may also be referred to as a “buyout.” Essentially, the two students are splitting the cost to keep the third bed empty. Housing is subject to change at the discretion of Ashland University.

On-Campus Houses

In addition to our apartments and residence halls, there are also rooms in fraternity houses and USA House.


Fraternity Houses

Kappa Sigma Fraternity House

Kappa Sigma

646 Olympic Circle

Phi Delta Theta Fraternity House

Phi Delta Theta

660 Olympic Circle

Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity House

Phi Kappa Psi

642 Olympic Circle

USA House

The USA house, located at 658 Olympic Circle, is available for those with military affiliation. If you are interested in living in the USA House, please contact the Office of Veteran Services prior to housing selection by emailing Chelsea Weiler at cweiler@rrmbaojie.com or Mason Feeman at mfeeman@rrmbaojie.com.

USA House


Ashland Campus (Senior) Apartments

We offer four-person apartments on the Ashland campus located on Samaritan Avenue. If you live in an apartment, you may still select any meal plan, but if you have senior status (90+ credit hours) you may opt out of having a meal plan.

Apartment Selection

Students select their apartments through an apartment lottery in the spring prior to the academic year in which they plan to reside there. The selection order for the apartment lottery is determined by a point-system based on GPA, credit hours and student conduct history. The apartment applications with the highest scores receive earlier lottery times, followed by those with lower scores in descending order. For a full explanation of this process, see the Apartment Agreement, which you can find at housing.rrmbaojie.com under “resources.”

Senior Apartment building

Photos of Ashland Campus Apartments

Senior Apartments
Senior Apartments1
Senior Apartments2
Senior Apartments3
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Senior Apartments6
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Senior Apartments8

What Residents Say About Living in Ashland Campus Apartments

"The senior apartments are beautiful and well-kept. My roommates and I love to hang out in our spacious living room and cook together in our nice kitchen. The apartments are my favorite place I've lived on campus!"

— Haley

"We love having a cozy space that we can make our own and live comfortably in. Being in an apartment has been a great outlet for allowing us to invite friends over and be together."

— Tonya

"I love living in the senior apartments because the apartment gives me more space, the freedom to cook all of my own meals, more space to entertain, private bathrooms and more privacy. Living here gives me a better sense of independence and the confidence to move out on my own after graduation."

— Molly

College of Nursing and Health Sciences (CONHS) Apartments

If you are a nursing or health science student, you may reside in housing on the main campus or at the Mansfield College of Nursing and Health Sciences campus. Many students choose to spend the first two years on the main campus and then, during their last two years when classes take place on the Mansfield campus, move into CONHS apartments. The CONHS apartment buildings are located directly behind the academic building.

CONHS apartments 1081

Located at 1081 Marion Avenue on our Mansfield campus, each apartment comes furnished and has 5 small bedrooms and 2 shared bathrooms, with an open floor plan for the living room and full kitchen (fridge, stove/oven, and microwave included). Each apartment also has a patio/balcony. Anyone is eligible to live in 1081. Residents must complete the ESA approval process to have an animal in the residence hall.

Interior Photos of CONHS Apartments

CONHS Apartments
CONHS Apartments1
CONHS Apartments2
CONHS Apartments3
CONHS Apartments4
CONHS Apartments5